Laboratorio de Micología y Fitopatología

Actualmente el laboratorio tiene 4 lineas de investigación:
i) Phytophthora
ii) Xanthomonas
iii) Hongos: Micología Médica, Batracochytridium dendrobatidis, Fusarium, etc.
iv) Genómica y bioinformática.
El excelente trabajo realizado en estas líneas de investigación, la calidad de los servicios prestados a diferentes entidades y el destacado equipo de trabajo que incluye personal minuciosamente seleccionado por su interés en la investigación y excelencia académica, ha generado que el laboratorio sea reconocido tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, y sea una apuesta a futuro en el ámbito científico colombiano.
Investigadores Principales
- Pinzón, A., Rodriguez-R., L.M., González, A., Bernal, A. and S. Restrepo. 2010. Targeted Metabolic Reconstruction: a novel approach for the characterization of plant-pathogen interactions. Briefings in bioinformatics. In press
- Pinzón, A., Barreto, E., Bernal, A., Achenie, L., Gonzalez, A., Isea R., and S. Restrepo. 2009. Computational models in plant-pathogen interactions: the case of Phytophthora infestans. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 6:24 10.1186/1742-4682-6-24
- Ramírez, J.D., Guhl, F.,, Umezawa,, E., Morillo, C., Rosas, F., and S. Restrepo. 2009. Evaluation of adult chronic chagas heart disease diagnosis by molecular and serological methods. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 47(12): 3945-3951
- Restrepo, S., Pinzón, A., Rodríguez-R, L.M., Sierra, R., Grajales, A., Bernal, A., Barreto, E., Moreno, P., Zambrano, M.M., Cristancho, M., González, A., Castro, H. 2009. Bioinformatics in Colombia. PLoS Computational Biology 5(10): Article Number: e100053
- Moreno, C.A., Castillo, F., Gonzalez, A., Bernal, D., Jaimes, Y., Chaparro, M., Gonzalez, C., Rodriguez, F., Restrepo, S., and A.M. Cotes. 2009. Biological and molecular characterization of the response of tomato plants treated with Trichoderma koningiopsis. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology Ms. No. PMPP08-51. Manuscript in Press
- Haas, B., Kamoun, S., Zody, M.C., Jiang, R.H.Y., Handsaker, R.E., Cano, L.M., Grabherr, M., Kodira1, C.D., Raffaele, S., Torto-Alalibo, T., Bozkurt, T.O., O'Neill, K., Ah-Fong, A.M.V., Alvarado, L., Anderson, V.L., Armstrong, M.R., Avrova, A., Baxter, L., Beynon, J., Boevink, P.C., Bos, J.I.B., Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform, Bulone, V., Cai, G., Cakir, C., Carrington, J.C., Chawner, M., Costanzo, S., Fahlgren, N., Fugelstad, J., Gilroy, E.M., Gnerre, S., Green, P., Grenville-Briggs, L.J., Griffith, J., Gupta, S., Horn, K., Horner, N.R., Hu, C.-H., Huitema, E., Jeong, D.-H., Jones, A., Jones, J.D.G., Jones, R., Karlsson, E., Lamour, K., Liu, Z., Ma, L.J., MacLean, D., Marcus, C., McDonald, H., McWalters, J., Meijer, H.J.G., Morgan, W., Morris, P.F., Munro, C.A., Ospina-Giraldo, M., Pinzón, A., Pritchard, L., Ramsahoye, B., Ren, Q., Restrepo, S., Roy, S., Sadanandom, A., Savidor, A., Schornack, S., Schwartz, D.C., Schumann, U.D., Schwessinger, B., Seyer, L., Sharpe1, T., Silvar, C., Song, J., Studholme, D.J., Sykes, S., van de Vondervoort, P.J.I., Vipaporn, P., Wawra, S., Weide, R., Win, J., Young, C., Zhou, S., Fry, W., Meyers, B.C., van West, P., Ristaino, J., Govers, F., Birch, P.R.J., Whisson, S., Judelson, H.S., and C. Nusbaum. 2009. The genome sequence of the Irish potato famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Nature 461: 393-398
- Prada, H., Ávila, L., Sierra, R., Bernal A., and S. Restrepo. 2009. Caracterización morfológica y molecular del antagonismo entre el endófito Diaporthe phaseolorum aislado de frailejón (Espeletia sp.) y el fitopatógeno Phytophthora infestans. Revista iberoamericana de micología 26(03) :198-201
- Vargas, A.M., Ocampo, L.M.Q., Cespedes, M.C., Carreno, N., Gonzalez, A., Rojas, A., Zuluaga, A.P., Myers, K., Fry, W.E., Jimenez, P., Bernal, A., and S. Restrepo. 2009. Characterization of Phytophthora infestans Populations in Colombia: First Report of the A2 Mating Type. Phytopathology 99:82-88.
- Rojas, J.A., Cruz, C., Mikán, J.F., Villalba, L.S., Cepero de García, M.C., and S. Restrepo. 2009. Isoenzyme characterization of proteases and amylases and partial purification of proteases from filamentous fungi causing biodeterioration of industrial paper. International Journal of Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63:169–175
- Gonzalez, A., Sierra, R., Cardenas, M.E., Grajales, A., Restrepo, S., Cepero de Garcia, M.C., and A., Celis. 2009. Physiological and Molecular Characterization of Atypical Isolates of Malassezia furfur. J. Clin. Microbiol. 47:48-53.
- Castro, L.N., Casas, C., Sopo, L., Rojas, A., Del Portillo, P., Cepero, M.C., and S. Restrepo. 2009. Fusarium species detected in onychomycosis in Colombia. Mycoses 52: 350-356
- Vargas, A.M., Correa, A., Lozano, D.C., Gonzalez, A., Bernal, A.J., Restrepo, S., and P. Jiménez. 2007. First Report of Late Blight Caused by Phytophthora infestans on Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) in Colombia. Plant Disease 91:464.
- Salgado, C., Cepero, M.C., Realpe, E., and S. Restrepo. 2007. Histological analyses of the fungal endophytes in Rosa hybrida. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 24(4): 319-320
- Garnica, D.P, Pinzón, A.M., Quesada-Ocampo, L.M., Bernal, A.J., Barreto, E., Grünwald, N.J., and S. Restrepo. 2006. Survey and analysis of microsatellites from transcript sequences in Phytophthora species: frequency, distribution, and potential as markers for the genus. BMC Genomics 7:245 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-7-245
- Santaella, M. Suarez, E., Lopez, C., Gonzalez, C., Mosquera, G., Restrepo, S., Tohme, J., Badillo, A., and V. Verdier. 2004. Identification of genes in cassava that are differentially expressed during infection with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis. Molecular Plant Pathology 5(6): 549-558.
- Anderson, J., Delseny, M., Fregene, M., Jorge, V., Mba, C., Lopez, C., Restrepo, S., Soto, M., Piegu, B., Verdier, V., Cooke, R., Tohme, J., and D. Horvath. 2004. An EST resource for cassava and other species of Euphorbiaceae. Plant Molecular Biology 56(4): 527-539.
- López, C., Jorge, V., Piégu, B., Mba, C., Cortes, D., Restrepo, S., Soto, M., Laudié, M., Berger, C., Cooke, R., Delseny, M., Tohme, J., and V. Verdier. 2004. A unigene catalogue of 5,700 expressed genes in cassava. Plant Molecular Biology 56(4): 541-554.
- Restrepo, S., Velez, C.M., Duque, M.C., and V. Verdier. 2003 Genetic structure and population dynamics of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis populations in Colombia during 1995-1999. Applied and Environm. Microbiol. 70(1): 255-261.
- Smart, C.D., Myers, K.L., Restrepo, S., Martin, G.B., and W.E., Fry. 2003. Partial Resistance of Tomato to Phytophthora infestans is Not Dependent upon Ethylene, Jasmonic Acid, or Salicylic Acid Signaling Pathways. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 16(2): 141-148.
- Ronning, C.M., Stegalkina, S.S., Ascenzi, R.A., Bougri, O., Hart, A.L., Utterbach, T.R., Vanaken, S.E., Riedmuller, S.B., White, J.A., Cho, J., Pertea, G.M., Lee, Y., Karamycheva, S., Sultana, R., Tsai, J., Quackenbush, J., Griffiths, H.M., Restrepo, S., Smart, C.D., Fry, W.E., van der Hoeven, R., Tanksley, S., Zhang, P., Jin, H., Yamamoto, M.L., Baker, B.J., and C. R. Buell. 2003. Comparative analysis of potato expressed sequence tags. Plant Physiology 131: 419-429.
- Gonzalez, C., Restrepo, S., Tohme, J., and V., Verdier. 2002. Characterization of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis by PCR-based DNA fingerprinting techniques. FEMS Microbiology letters 215(1):23-31.
- Restrepo, S., Vélez, C.M., and V. Verdier. 2000. Measuring the Genetic Diversity of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis Within Different Fields in Colombia. Phytopathology 90: (7) 683-690.
- Restrepo S., Duque M.C., and V. Verdier. 2000. Characterization of pathotypes among isolates of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis in Colombia. Plant Pathology 49: 680-687
- Restrepo, S., Duque, M.C., and V. Verdier. 2000. Resistance spectrum of selected Manihot esculenta genotypes under Field Conditions. Field Crops Research 65: (1) 69-77.
- Restrepo S., Sánchez G., Duque M.C., and V. Verdier. 1999. Assessing genetic variability among Brazilian strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis through RFLP and AFLP analyses. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 45: (9) 754-763.
- Restrepo S., Duque, M.C., Verdier V., and J. Tohme. 1999. AFLP fingerprinting: an efficient technique for detecting genetic variation of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis. Microbiology 145: 107-114.
- Sánchez G., Restrepo S., Duque M.C., Fregene M., Bonierbale M., and V. Verdier. 1999. Characterization of the genetic base of resistance to cassava bacterial blight with amplified fragment length polymorphism. Genome, 42: 163-172.
- Verdier V., Restrepo S., Mosquera G., Duque M.C., Gerstl A., and R. Laberry. 1998. The Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis population in Venezuela. Plant Pathology, 47:601-608
- Verdier V., Restrepo S., Boher B., Nicole M., Geiger J.P., Alvarez E., and M. Bonierbale. 1997. Cassava bacterial blight: recent achievements in understanding the disease. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, Vol 2, p. 64-68
- Verdier V., and S. Restrepo. 1997. Répartition géographique de la bactériose vasculaire du manioc en Colombie et variabilité du pathogène. Les cahiers de la recherche développement, 44: 16-27.
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Edificio J, Laboratorio 205
Universidad de Los Andes
Bogotá, Colombia
Teléfono: (571) 3394949 ext. 2768
Fax: (571) 3394949 ext. 2817
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