Curso de la escuela internacional de bioinformática y neurociencia computacional

ICGEB Course “International School of Bioinformatics and Computational Neuroscience 2016”
5 – 8 October
Bogota, Colombia
This course is supported with funds provided by
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
International organization dedicated to advanced research and training in molecular biology and biotechnology
Organized by: | Co-organized by: |
Requests for information directly to:
Deadline 16 June 2016
Online application
Why school is important School of Bioinformatics and Computational Neuroscience 2016?
This school will support the establishment of innovative collaborative research training that may directly benefit highly skilled and educated students:
- Improve engagement of researchers and students in Bioinformatics and computational neuroscience.
- Raise the standard for best practices in computational research and development of professional skills.
- Encourage new research and training opportunities.
- Strengthen existing collaborations for long-term planning.
- Promote events with academics and researchers in the relevant field to discuss career pathways and career development issues.
Criteria for selection supported fellows
The school will target interdisciplinary students (including medicine, biology and psychology with demonstrated quantitative abilities) from undergraduate to PhD level. There will be no fee to attend the school and everything will be provided free of cost, but students selection will be based on their background. Students with work experience in Bioinformatics, Neuroscience and related areas will be given preference, as will students with a clear academic career track in mind. Applications will be assessed by a committee, with selection being based on the following criteria: the scientific quality of the candidate (CV) and evidence that the course will afford substantial benefit to the candidate. A one page statement of purpose “Why I want to participate in the school” will also be required for all applicants, expressing why she/he is interested in participating in the course and how this course will contribute to her/his current research.
Applicants must submit this documentation (CV and Statement of purpose) in a single document in PDF format in this link:
No fee is charged to attend this course. Participants are expected to cover their own travel and living costs. A limited number of grants, covering accommodation (twin share) and local hospitality for the duration of the course, are available to a selected number of nationals of ICGEB Member States.
International Speakers
Luonan Chen, Shanghai Institute for Biological Science.
Jason Papin, Computational Systems Biology Laboratory, University of Virginia.
Gjumrakch Aliev, University of Atlanta.
National Speakers
Juan Diego Gómez PhD, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Colombia
Fabian Tobar PhD, Pontifical Xavierian University (Cali)
Gonzalo Arboleda PhD, National University of Colombia.
Patricia Cardona Gómez PhD. University of Antioquia.
Humberto Arboleda PhD, National university of Colombia.
Sonia Luz Albarracín PhD, Pontifical Xavierian University
John Sutachán PhD, Pontifical Xavierian University
George Barreto PhD, Pontifical Xavierian University
Janneth González PhD, Pontifical Xavierian University
Nelson Vega cPhD, Pontifical Xavierian University
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