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Prioritization of anticancer drugs against a cancer using genomic features of cancer cells: A step towards personalized medicine

In this study, we investigated drug profile of 24 anticancer drugs tested against a large number of cell lines in order to understand the relation between drug resistance and altered genomic features of a cancer cell line. We detected frequent mutations, high expression and high copy number variations of certain genes in both drug resistant cell lines and sensitive cell lines. It was observed that a few drugs, like Panobinostat, are effective against almost all types of cell lines, whereas certain drugs are effective against only a limited type of cell lines. Tissue-specific preference of drugs was also seen where a drug is more effective against cell lines belonging to a specific tissue. Genomic features based models have been developed for each anticancer drug and achieved average correlation between predicted and actual growth inhibition of cell lines in the range of 0.43 to 0.78. We hope, our study will throw light in the field of personalized medicine, particularly in designing patient-specific anticancer drugs. In order to serve the scientific community, a webserver, CancerDP, has been developed for predicting priority/potency of an anticancer drug against a cancer cell line using its genomic features (http://crdd.osdd.net/raghava/cancerdp/).


Due to advancements in the field of sequencing technology, whole genome of different types of tumor cells have been sequenced. This flood of genomic information of tumors has broadened our understanding and provided valuable insights related to molecular and genetic characteristics of cancer types1,2. These sequencing efforts have now forced the scientists to change their view to accept that each individual tumor has its own genetic characteristics and is different from the other tumor even if they both belongs to the same tissue3. This is the reason that patients having similar cancer responded differently to identical chemotherapeutic drugs. Therefore, it is highly recommended to treat individual tumor as a different disease to make the treatment more effective with lesser side effects. This is the reason that researchers are focusing on personalized medicine or patient/tumor-specific drugs where aim is to identify right drug to right person at right time4,5


Promiscuous vs. Tissue and Cell line specific Drugs

We assigned a cell line sensitive to a drug if its growth inhibition IC50value is less than 0.5 μM, otherwise we assigned it resistant. We computed percent of cell lines resistant to each drug as well as percent of cell lines resistant in a tissue (see Supplementary Table S1). It was observed that drug Panobinostat is highly promiscuous anticancer drug, effective against more than 99% cell lines (Fig. 1). Targets of this drug are histone deacetylases (HDAC) or lysine deacetylases (KDAC), enzymes that remove acetyl groups. Another drug Paclitaxel is sensitive against 83% cell lines, as well as it is effective against 100% of the cell lines belonging to Autonomic Ganglia tissue. As shown in Table S1, out of 24 drugs only five drugs (17AAG, Irinotecan, Paclitaxel, Panobinostat, Topotecan) are sensitive against more than 50% of the cell lines assayed. Most of the kinase drugs are only sensitive against limited number of cell lines, whereas most of cytotoxic drugs are sensitive against large number of cell lines. Furthermore, it was observed that certain drugs are tissue specific; for example drug Topotecan is sensitivity against 33% of the breast cell lines (66.7% resistant) where as it is sensitive against 87% cell lines of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue. Similarly drug Irinotecan is sensitive against 100% cell lines belonging to Autonomic-Ganglia and soft-tissue. There are drugs that are sensitive only against few cell lines like Nutlin3 (effective against less than 1% cell lines) and resistant against most of the cell lines.
Figure 1: Illustration of tissue-specific response of 24 anticancer drugs, where right column contains names of drugs and bottom row has names of tissues.

Each cell shows percent of sensitive cell lines of a tissue for corresponding drug.
Full size image Genomic factors responsible for drug resistance

Each cell line has its own genomic characteristics; these genomic features might be contributing towards drugs resistant. In this study, we investigated role of mutations/variation in genes and gene expression in drug resistant and sensitive cell lines. We identified top five genes corresponding to each drug that exhibit highest difference in genomic features between drug resistant and sensitive cell lines (Supplementary Table S2). Similarly, we also identified genes involved in important activities (e.g., drug membrane transport activity, growth arrest, epigenetic factors, DNA damage, tyrosine protein kinases and tumor suppressors) for each drug (Supplementary Tables S3–S9).
Variations and mutations

In order to examine the involvement of variation and mutation in drug resistance, we calculated the frequencies of mutant cell lines in both resistant and sensitive group of cell lines (see Methods section) for each gene (Supplementary dataset). In other words, higher the difference of frequencies of mutation between resistant and sensitive cell lines, greater will be the chances of contribution of this gene-mutation combination, in drug resistance. For example, gene PDE4DIP(Phosphodiesterase 4D anchoring protein) shows highest difference, it has 38.6% higher frequency of mutation in drug resistant (PF2341066) cell lines as compare to sensitive cell lines (Table 2, Supplementary dataset). It is interesting to note that PDE4DIP mutated in 241 cell lines and most of mutant cell lines around 99% were resistant for anticancer drug PF2341066.


The predictive modeling for anticancer drug sensitivity has been a very meticulously studied area in cancer biology. In spite of several large-scale studies, we still do not have any general rules/guidelines in public, for which anticancer drug should be preferred over other drugs. There are number other issues which have not been addressed in this study that includes toxicity of drugs as all drugs are not suitable to all patients. In this study, models have been developed using different genomic features; each type of models have their own strength and weakness. First we developed mutation-based models, unfortunately the performance of these models were too poor. Ideally mutation in target gene of a drug should effect its sensitivity but there are number of drugs whose target gene is heavily mutated but no effect on sensitivity. In contrast there are number of drug resistant cell lines despite there is no mutation in their drug targets. The best mutation model achieved maximum correlation 0.68 between actual and predicted IC50 value for drug PLX4720. It was observed (Table 2) that there are certain genes that are heavily mutated in resistant cell lines for number of drugs. The mutation in gene TP53, KRAS and MAP3K1 significantly affect sensitivity of ten drugs. We have not observed any biasness in models towards kinase or cytotoxic drugs.

In this study, first time we used variation for developing models, we believed that variation may also affect drug sensitivity without affecting the function of gene. As expected variation based models perform better than mutation-based models. Thus it is important to use variation-based models instead of mutation-based models. In addition identification of variation is easy in comparison to identification of mutations. As shown in Table 3, expression based models over perform other models and achieved average correlation around 0.73. One of the advantages of these models is that measuring expression of genes is easy in comparison to identification of mutations/variations. The expression of genes has dynamic nature it change with time and conditions. We also explore another genomic feature CNV that is highly correlated with gene expression. Though performance of CNV-based models was poorer than expression-based models but better than other models. One of the major advantages of CNV based model is that this genomic feature has more genetic basis than environmental effect.

As shown above each type of model has their own merits and demerits, thus we implement all models in our web server. This will allow users to select best model for predicting sensitivity of drugs. In this study, for the first time, we also made an attempt to develop a webserver-based anticancer drug prioritization tool, which is a initial step towards personalized drug therapy for cancer. Scientific community can used our webserver at least for studying drugs on cancer cell lines (http://crdd.osdd.net/raghava/cancerdp/).

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